Generic Attention-model Explainability

Generic Attention-model Explainability for Interpreting Bi-Modal and Encoder-Decoder Transformers

Can be used to explain models like CLIP. This is how it works:

  1. First, let us define an input image x_image and a list of input texts [a, b, c] where a, b and c can be any strings which can be tokenized and fed into the model.

    input_texts = ["a bald man", "a rocket in space", "a man"]
  2. We do a forward pass with a tokenized image and text(s) on CLIP, and obtain logits_per_image and logits_per_text. Each item within these tensors correspond to a and b and c respectvely.

        'logits_per_image': tensor([[22.7188, 16.1094, 23.4219]]), ## shape: 1,3
        'logits_per_text': tensor([[22.7344],[16.1250],[23.4219]]) ## shape: 3,1
  3. We run a softmax over logits_per_image on the last dim and get a nice probability map with a sum of 1 (we also convert it to numpy). Let’s call it probs:

        'probs': array([[3.311e-01, 4.461e-04, 6.685e-01]]
  4. We then choose a target index w.r.t which we want to find the relevance mapping. The index here refers to the index of one the input texts which refers to a, b or c. For now, let’s set index = 0

  5. Now, we create a tensor with all zeros called one_hot which has the same shape as logits_per_image i.e (1, 3) and set one_hot[0, index] = 0. This tensor has requires_grad set to true which will come to play later on:

        'one_hot': tensor([[1., 0., 0.]], requires_grad=True)
  6. We calculate a “loss” which is defined as shown below and do a backward pass over through the model. one_hot * logits_per_image masks logits_per_image to only include the logit corresponding to index. So in this case loss = 22.7188

    loss = torch.sum(one_hot * logits_per_image)
  7. Now, let us assume that we have n layers in the model with attention outputs. Out of which we select the last layer for our work, let us call it block. The output of the attention layer would be a 3D tensor of shape which looks something like: [12, 50, 50]. We select a subset of these layers for our experiments.

  8. We make an identity matrix R (probably means to “results”) of shape (d , d) where d is the length of the last dim of the attention outputs of the model. In this case, d is 50.

  9. Using forward and backward hooks, we capture the outputs of the attention layer(s) into 2 attributes both of which have shape (12, 50, 50):

  10. we do the following with block.attn_probs and block.attn_grad iteratively for each block:

    y = block.attn_probs * block.attn_grad  ## y.shape = (12, 50, 50)
    y = cam.clamp(min=0).mean(dim=0)  ## y.shape = (50,50)
    R += torch.matmul(cam, R)  ## R.shape = (50,50) 
  11. We then set R[0, 0] = 0 for some reason which I’m not sure of rn.

  12. Then we obtain a 2D heatmap by selecting a specific subset of R which is R[0, 1:] (which comes to be of shape (49,)) and reshape it to (7,7).

  13. Finally, we scale this heatmap and resize it to be of the same height and width as of the original input image.
